Dr.Chettiar's Correspondence

letter to Dr. Krishna Rau

Dr.RM.Alagappa Chettiar
M.A.,D.LItt.,LL.D., Barrister at Law

"Krishna Vilas"
Madras 7.

       2nd December, 55.

Dear Dr. Krishna Rau,

Many thanks for your kind letter of the 28th November, acknowledging the packet of booklets which I had sent to you regarding our Colleges. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to you for your congratulations which you describe as 'humble', among the 'mighty ones'. It is needless for me t¢ point out that there is no question of the quality of the person in the matter of offering good-will, good-wishes or congratulations. To me, your congratulations mean quite a lot, knowing you as I do and your affection for me. Incidentally, I may add that, even considered by certain sophisticate standards you have every right to be included among the mighty ones.

You will forgive me for pointing out a little "mistake" in your letter in the matter of your addressing me. I have ceased to emphasise the "Chettiar" suffix, in my name, and, in fact, Mr.. Tampi, the Principal has left off "chettiar" and tells our Arts College just as "Alagappa College" I am rather intrigued to note in your letter that you are going one step further or perhaps away when you describe me as "Alagappa Chettiar". I am sure that Is the invention of your typist rather than your goodself!

With Kind regards Yours sincerely,

Sd...RM.Alagappa Chettiar

Dr. U. Krishna Rau,
Dr. Alagappa Chettiar Road
Vepery, Madras