Dr.Chettiar's Correspondence

letter to Hon'ble Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

Dr.RM.Alagappa Chettiar 

'Krishna Vilas' Vepery, Madras-7

       28th January 55.

Dear Sir,

I have very great pleasure in enclosing two invitations for two functions, one immediately after the other at my college campus. The first function is being presided over by our dear Chief Minister of Madras and the Hostel is named after Mr. Kuppuswami Naidu of revered memory, a friend who was exceedingly nice and kind to me while alive and who courageously promised assistance to me while I was fairly down and out but which assistance happily I did not need later nor did I actually receive any.

The other function is in memory of the late Dewan Bahadur Murugappa. Chettiar, another great elder of mine, who was a shining light of my community in many ways. His son, Sri Murugappa Chettlar, a member of our Trust and the Head of T.I. Cycles and members of his family are contributing nearly 2 lakhs and over being 50% value of the proposed Murugappa Chettiar Hall. I may inform you, Sir, that this is the first time in the history of the Collegethat any big sized donation is being received. Sir A. Ramaswami Mudallar, brother of our distinguished Vice Chancellor, Dr. A.. Lakshmanaswami Mudaliar is laying the foundation stone. This is the only hall in the campus where all students and staff members of all the colleges can meet.

I shall be grateful if you could kindly send messages for the functions which I could have the honour and privilege of reading on the respective dates. I need your messages which are not messages to me, but are evidence and indication of your deep affection in me and my institutions and your blessings.

With kind regards, Yours very sincerely,

Sd...RM.Alagappa Chettiar

Hon'ble Dr. S. Radhakrishnan,
Vice President of the Republic of India,
New Delhi.



Dr.RM.Alagappa Chettiar 

'Krishna Vilas' Vepery, Madras-7

       28th January 55.

Dear Sir,

I am grateful for the letter from your Secretary to my office conveying your very kind enquiries of my health.

It might be of some little interest to you, Sir, to know that for the last week or so I have had passages read out from "Contemporary Indian Philosophy" so ably and beautifully edited by you. You will kindly forgive me for quoting one of your striking passages which has given much food for good thought:

"There is, however, a tragic divergence this exalted ideal and the actual life. In the first place in our anxiety to have no temporal possessions and spend our days in communion with spirit, the essential duty of service to man has been neglected".

Passages like these and the spirit underlying the statements point out a great ideal. I feel really happy in dwelling on such thoughts, which have been gathered from the articles and speeches of contemporary philosophers like your goodself. Day after day passes and I stay where I am, with my mind wandering round and making my grief all the greater. Life has to be lived and there is no escape from it until God in his mercy gives delivefence.

With kind regards, Yours very sincerely,

Sd...RM.Alagappa Chettiar

Hon'ble Dr. S. Radhakrishnan,
Vice President of the Republic of India,
New Delhi.