Dr.Chettiar's Correspondence

letter to Mr. Bahadur

Dr.RM.Alagappa Chettiar

'Krishna Vilas'
Madras - 7

       4th January, 55

Dear Dr. Bhadur ,

Our most intimate, dynamic and friendly Director of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research has Gone from our midst. It is a bereavement to every One of us; however one cannot help feeling that the Blow is most severe and challenging to you in particular as the Secretary of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research that vast Leviathan like organlsation which he brought into existence nourishing it with every breath of his being. You have been his chief Lieutenant in this organisatlon and his loss must be felt most by you in particular. Your difficulties are all the more serious by reason of the suddenness with which the blow has come.

It was indeed most difficult if not impossible, to carry out every one of the dictates of such a great taskmaster as Dr. Bhatnagar. But it has to be remembered that while he was undoubtedly hard on his ,colleagues and fellow workers he was hardest on himself. To safeguard the interest of the different constituents of the Council to foster to the even and unbroken growth of these great laboratories to I,. true to the ideals of the genius Architect Dr.Bhatnagar every ounce of energy, every meticulous care, and thought and every watchful eye that one can bestow on the great causes served by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research these are the tasks that lie ahead of you until the government comes to a decision on fundamental questions. It is a very grave and momentous responsibility that has been placed upon you at this moment by the cruel ha d of Fate having taken away our most beloved Dr. Bhatnagar. One has to stand four square to all the winds that blow to prevent being swept off one's feet on such a crisis as this. Disintegration is easy. In fact, it seems to be the normal way of the world unless at every stage man asserts and does something to obviate such tendencies on the part of nature and deliberately takes steps to stop disintegration and helps the building up of the organisation.

I do hope, wish and pray that Providence may give you and your colleagues His grace and blessings on this most crucial and darkest hour in the history of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. On my behalf as Chairman of the Governing Body of the Council and also as the Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Central Electro Chemical Research Institute and more than anything else as one deeply feel devoted to the ideals of the Nehru Bhatnagar approach I wish to assure you that I am ever ready and willing to be of such assistance and advice to you as you may need, if I in my humble capacity could do anything. Needless to mention that all my thoughts are now fixed on the Central Electrochemical Research Institute more than anything else. It will not be difficult for you to appreciate my feelings or attitude of mind at this hour. You are aware that it was just a week ago when I had the privilege of being in the company of Dr. Bhatnagar at the Advisory Council Meeting at Madras, that Dr. Bhatnagar asnounced the new phase of the Institute both the change of authority at the helm of affairs as well as the generous grants for the pilot plants etc., and further construction work in the Laboratory. The band of workers here and in fact the general populace of this educational campus and its surroundings are always proud of the existence of this institute right in our midst and we look forward to rapid progress in the development of this Institute until it brings laurels without number to the cause of Science and to the progress Of India. There is nothing more that our esteemed and beloved Prime Minister desires and it was to this dream of the Prime Minister our Dr.Bhatnagar worked without end and literally died in harness,

I hasten to convey to you and your colleagues my sincere condolences in this sad hour.

Shri R.P. Bahadur,
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research,
old Mill Road,
New Delhi 2.

Yours sincerely,

Sd...RM.Alagappa _ Chettiar