Dr.Chettiar's Correspondence

letter to Dr. C.P.Ramaswami Iyer

Dr. RM. Alagappa Chettiar
'Krishna Vilas',

       2nd August 53.

Dear Sir,

The College looks forward to your visit, and the students and staff equally look forward to listening to your address. I share the joyous expectation of every one in the College Campus. I shall be at the station platform, Karaikudi to welcome you in our midst on the 7th morning.

I had the privilege of receiving you at the airport for the Electro-Chemical function and, still earlier I was honored by your presence and blessings at my daughter's wedding. We are indeed fortunate in being able to receive you once again.

With kind regards,

Yours very sincerely,

Sd...RM.Alagappa Chettiar

Dr. Sir C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar, LL.D
The Grove,
Eldams Road, Madras.



Dr. RM. Alagappa Chettiar
'Krishna Vilas',

       17th August 56.


Dear Sir,

I have pleasure in enclosing an invitation for the Inauguration of the Alagappa College of Physical Education at Karaikudi on the 27th August by the Rajpramukh of Mysore. I shall be grateful if you could kindly send a message for the occasion. I know I have received many a message from you, but a message from you this time, particularly when I am completely immobilised to bed, will give me cheer and encouragement.

I am happy to inform you that our revered President, Rajendra Prasad was kind enough to call at my bedside, make enquiries of my health and give me cheer and his blessings.

At long last it has been decided, with the consent of my doctors, to carry me by a stretcher in the train on the 24th night to Karaikudi so that I will be present on the day when His Highness arrives on the 26th.

I am more anxious to meet you and convey to you my grateful thanks for the efforts which you are taking in establishing a Central University at Karaikudi. Even the other day I received a letter from Mr.Jamuel Mathai stating that inspire of your genuine persuasion to locate a Central University at Karaikudi the University Grants Commission did not agree. But everything will take its own good time and all that I need is your kind blessings for the fruition of that great objective.

With kindest regards,

Yours very sincerely,

Sd...RM.Alagappa Chettiar

Dr. Sir C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar, LL.D
The Grove,
Eldams Road, Madras.