My dear Dr.
You would no doubt have
heard that the Kerala Kala Mandalam, the well known center of dancing and allied arts,
established by the Post Vallathol, would be celebrating its Silver Jubilee this December.
To one who is so familiar with life in Kerala I need not say how much the Kala Mandalam
has contributed to the revival of Indian and particularly Kerala art traditions. It is
expected that Pandit Nehru will be coming to inaugurate the celebrations over which I am
supposed to preside. The Poet is here in Delhi in that connection and is seeing the Prime
Minister tomorrow or the day after to finalis arrangements. Once or twice when he was in
Madras the Poet tried to contact you but owing to your numerous engagements out of town it
was not possible for him to do so. I hope it will not be too much to suggest that a leader
of industries like you on the West Coast should make some contribution on this occasion,
however small it be. The Poet is returning to Madras some time next week and hopes to see
you if you are at that time in Madras. I believe A.N. Tampi has already spoken to you on
this matter.
With kind regards,