Dr.Chettiar's Correspondence

Letter from Rajakumar of Mysore


The Palace, Mysore.

September 7, 1956.

My Dear Dr. Alagappa Chettiar,

I am sincerely grateful for your very kind telegram of the 28th August. I can assure you that my visit to Karaikudi was a most enjoyable one and that it will remain green in my memory. The extent and the nature of the unique educational experiments which you have started in your home town become apparent when one goes round and sees at first hand the working of the several institutions on the great Campus there and notes the enthusiasm and spirit in which this great service to the youth of the country is being carried on. May I extend to you once again my warmest congratulations on the forethought with which you have showered your munificence on Karaikudi and wish you every possible success in the culmination of your most liable efforts in the constitution of a separate University at this seat of learning.

Hoping that this letter will find you in much improved health and with kindest regards,

Dr.Rm.Alagappa Chettiar, M.A.,
           D.Litt., LL.D.,
"Krishna Vilas", Vepery,Madras.
Yours sincerely,
