Radmilla Kazanegra, MD
The catalase test gives the majority of differentiations very efficiently treatment brown recluse spider bite order albenza 400mg on-line, however medicine 6469 order albenza 400mg, there will be occasions when the catalase test and colony morphology will be misleading symptoms sinus infection safe albenza 400mg. Quality control the catalase quality control is performed once per lot and shipment treatment receding gums buy discount albenza 400 mg on line. Reading and Interpretation Any zone of inhibition around the disk is considered sensitive. Principle A differential medium used in the identification of catalase-negative bacteria. The esculetin reacts with ferric chloride in the media to form a black-brown color. Reading and Interpretation the esculin test is positive when a black color forms over one-half or more of the slant. The increase in C02 will cause the viridans streptococci to grow better and increase the likelihood of a positive reaction. Procedure the broth is inoculated with 2 or more colonies from a plate or with 1 to 2 drops of broth culture. Results Gas production is indicated by the gas formation between the broth and the petroleum jelly plug which pushes the wax plug toward the top of the tube. Small bubbles that may accumulate over the incubation period are not read as positive, only when the wax plug is separated from the broth is the test read positive. Principle the gram stain is used to differentiate between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Addition of a decolorizer removes the stain from gram-negative organisms due to their increased lipid content. Specimen the gram stain can be performed on the growth of any strain grown on any type of media. However, for this group of bacteria (gram-positive cocci), it is best performed on the growth of bacteria in thioglycolate broth at 24h incubation. The staining procedure is modified when preparing the smear from thioglycolate broth. The smear can not be fixed to the slide with hear but must be fixed with methanol. Cover the entire bacterial smear with 3 or 4 drops of methanol to fix the smear and allow to air dry. Rinse the bacterial smear with decolorizer solution for 10 seconds; decolorization is complete when the solution runs clear from the slide. Cover the bacterial smear with safranin stain, and allow to stand for 1 minute, then gently wash the stain from the slide. Blot the slide dry with absorbent paper and examine the slide under oil immersion lens. Reading and Interpretation the gram stain is used to aid in the differentiation of the gram positive cocci. Bacteria that divide on one plane form pairs and eventually form chains if the cells remain attached to each other. Bacteria that divide on two planes at right angles form packets of fours or tetrads. One of the most difficult tasks that microbiologist have is determining whether or not the cellular morphology of the cells are actually cocci or short rods. Since many of the lactobacilli are gram positive short rods in chains, they are sometimes confused with the streptococci. The clinical sources and 15 colonial morphology on blood agar plates of the lactobacilli are also similar to the streptococci, especially members of the viridans streptococci. When reading the gram stain, remember that the cellular arrangement is never 100% chains, pairs, tetrads, or clusters. For example, for the Gemella species, one might observe some pairs and short chains as well as tetrads. If tetrads are observed in most fields under observation, then the strain is dividing on two planes and this should be recorded. Limitations Younger cultures give more characteristic observations that older ones. Stains exposed to antimicrobial reagents may have atypical morphology and are more susceptible to decolorization. The completed procedure should show gram-positive cocci in chains and gramnegative rods. Principle Growth at 10C and 45C is determined in heart infusion broth base medium and can be used as differential test for catalase-negative gram positive cocci. Two of the broth tubes are inoculated with one or two colonies or one to two drops of an overnight Todd Hewitt broth culture. For the 10C incubator, a refrigerator that can be adjusted to hold a temperature of 10C is satisfactory. For the 45C incubator, a hot water bath that is adjusted to hold a temperature at 45C is best. The tests are held a minimum of 7 days and up to 14 days in the case of slow growing strains. Reading and Interpretation An increase in turbidity indicates growth and a positive test. Limitations Be sure that the water level in the 45C water bath is above the level of media in the tubes. In addition, the caps of the medium tubes should be carefully sealed with parafilm or other sealer to prevent moisture and contamination from penetrating the medium tube. Quality control Each new lot of broth is tested for positive and negative reactions. Principle the hemolytic reaction is particularly useful in the differentiation of the Streptococci. The most commonly used base medium is trypticase soy agar and the most commonly used blood is sheep blood. The reason for the use of trypticase soy base is that it supports the growth of all the bacteria listed in Table 2. Other base media may be substituted if control strains of all genera are tested for growth. Sheep blood does not support the growth of Haemophilus haemolyticus which appears similar to streptococci on agar containing rabbit, horse, or human blood. Trypticase soy agar plates containing 5% sheep blood are obtained from Becton-Dickinson Microbiology Systems, Cockysville Md. Reading and Interpretation A beta-hemolytic reaction is interpreted as complete clearing around the colony. An alpha-hemolyic reaction is interpreted as greening around the colony and gamma hemolysis is interpreted as no change in the media surrounding the colony. Application of the interpretations of the hemolytic reactions for streptococci described in the Update to the other genera should not be a problem. Quality control Under normal operating conditions, the blood agar plates are not quality controlled in our laboratory but are quality controlled by Becton-Dickinson Microbiology Systems. The hemolytic reaction of most bacteria submitted to this laboratory is known and identified with the culture upon submission.
DuPont de Nemours & Company treatment xerostomia generic albenza 400mg on-line, the American Cyanamid Company and Borden Company medicines360 albenza 400mg otc, have for years supplied their employees with work clothing and have instituted a laundry service 8h9 treatment cheap albenza 400 mg fast delivery. In 1952 medicine hat albenza 400 mg amex, the United States Department of Labor issued safety and health standards. Among the health requirements was the provision that: Workers who handle or are exposed to harmful materials in such a manner that contact of work clothes with street clothes will communicate to the latter the harmful substances accumulated during working hours should be provided with facilities which will prevent this contact and also permit the free ventilation or drying of the work clothes while they are not in use. In any plant where it Miller, the Health Hazards of Cigar Manufacturing with Suggestions for Obviating Them. Eleven (11) years earlier, Bonsib, in a widely published memorandum, discussed the health hazards of working in dust-producing operations involving asbestos. Bonsib, Memorandum, Dust Producing Operations in the Production of Petroleum Products and Associated Activities - A Medico-Safety Survey, Medical Department, Standard Oil Company (N. While it may seem like household exposures are low-level exposures, this is not always the case. One asbestos company executive explained the nature of household exposure as he criticized a study discussing household exposures: Over and above other deficiencies in this study, is the erroneous assumption that household exposures to asbestos have been minimal in dose relationship concept. As recognized by Selikoff and others, the impregnation of drapes, rugs, furniture etc. Once asbestos is carried home -by the workman, it accumulates in the home, and its presence in the home is likely to be pennanent. Once it gets into the rugs, for example, it becomes re-suspended by movements such as brushing and walking and therefore, family members are getting a 24-hour a day, 7-day a week, exposure, relatively speaking, rather than a partial exposure. Of greater concern is the fact that the entire population of the family, including the very young and the very old, are exposed. Experimental and clinical data on the induction 130 Safety and Health Standards For Contractors perfonning Federal Supply Contracts under the Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act, United States Department of Labor, at p. Page 40 of216 of cancer establish that the very young are more susceptible to carcinogens. It has long been known that it is important to prevent toxic substances from leaving the workplace. Given the abundant evidence of the carcinogenic nature of asbestos, the lack of a safe level, and the knowledge that asbestos can contaminate the cars and homes of workers, companies involved in the manufacture, sale and/or use of asbestos or asbestoscontaining products should have provided work clothing, showers and change rooms that prevented contamination of street clothing with asbestos. The concept that there is no safe exposure to a carcinogen is neither a new nor novel opinion in the industrial hygiene, medical and scientific communities; rather the historical scientific literature is loaded with physicians and scientists reaching that opinion. These comments are supported by the observations of the National Toxicology Program: In the past, families of asbestos workers potentially were exposed to high fiber levels from contaminated clothing brought home for laundering. People living in households with asbestos workers were found to have a significantly elevated lung burdens of asbestos, often in the same range as found in individuals occupationally exposed to asbestos, such as shipyard workers. In 1956, one asbestos company scientist published his opinion that "it is prudent to set the standard for cancerigenic substances substantially at zero. This was due, in large part, to political pressure exerted by the asbestos industry in the rulemaking process. Smyth was an employee of Union Carbide, which at the time was a major manufacturer of asbestos-containing phenolic compounds and which later became a major miner and distributor of asbestos). But as far as a safe level of asbestos dust is concerned, our own conclusion in Hogansville, Ga. We have our own ideas as to how low we can get and we are always striving to get right down to zero. Smyth reiterated the widely held view about the danger of carcinogens in a 1962 article, stating "[w]e know so little about the causation of cancer by most substances that it may be prudent to limit the concentration to a form of zero, the smallest amount which can be analytically estimated. For example, despite having had personnel present at the 1964 Conference on the Biological Effects of Asbestos, Union Carbide continued to distribute its 1965 "Asbestos Toxicology Report" into the 1970s. By the middle 1960s, anyone wanting to discover the hazards of asbestos could have done so by going to a major library. For example, one Union Carbide salesman in the United Kingdom uncovered most of the widely accepted hazards of asbestos by simply 142 Wells, Discussion. Sayers also was aware of the opinion, expressed at the 1964 Conference on the Biological Effects of Asbestos, that "[t]he M. In this memoranda, the author points out that testing at the Mellon Institute Page 44 of216 Historical Recognition of the Insidious Nature of the Danger of Asbestos 101. It has been documented in medical and scientific literature for many decades that medically significant exposures to asbestos thousands of times above background levels may not be visible to the naked eye. This contrasts with the after-the-fact attempts of industry to suggest that there was a meaningful debate at the time regarding the scientific siWnificance of the published literature. After he has eliminated the visible dust, there may still remain enough very small invisible dust to cause harm to the health of those who breath it, but in any event if he has exerted sufficient well-directed effort to remove the visible dust it is certain that much of the smaller invisible, and probably most harmful dust has also been removed. Manifestly, if dust is kept out of the air breathed by workers, the latter cannot succumb to dust disease of a respiratory character. Anyone exposed to asbestos at levels that could cause asbestosis is at grave risk of suffering asbestos-induced cancers, including mesothelioma. The publically available data would allow non-scientists, who had reason to make simple efforts, to discover the hazards of asbestos and to warn about them. Over the years, I 156 Bonsib, Memorandum, Dust Producing Operations in the Production of Petroleum Products and Associated Activities - A Medico-Safety Survey, Medical Department, Standard Oil Company (N. Page 46 of216 have learned companies in the business of making, selling and/or using asbestos products knew what the ancient Greeks knew: working with asbestos can be deadly. Indeed, as discussed above, in 1967, a salesman for Union Carbide learned basically everything a company needed to know from a trip to the library. Lyle Hazlett of the Westinghouse Corporation published an article in the Southern Medical Journal about industrial hygiene practices in companies large and small. The company doctor needed to learn about the potential hazards of the work in that industry, even determining "any health hazards of new processes and materials before they are put into production. Nale, later reflected on that time, "Manufacturers could have waited for the legislative branch of government to write the labels for them to protect the public," but there had been "a great increase in the number of new compounds that had been synthesized and put into production [as the] over-all chemical output had skyrocketed. Indeed, industry, including the asbestos industry, understood the need to test products for safety before putting them on the market. Companies involved in the asbestos trade and/or use of asbestos had numerous avenues for testing of products. Smyth discussed his work at one such facility, known as the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research: the prevention of occupational disease requires that knowledge of the potential hazards of the materials handled by workmen shall be readily available to industrial physicians and industrial hygiene engIneers. It is clearly the duty of every manufacturer to delay production of a chemical until the health hazards are well enough defined so that protection of his workmen is possible. It is also his duty not to sell a chemical for an application in which it would endanger the health of the public, and to inform customers, by proper labeling and otherwise, of the hazards of the compounds they buy. The matter is the responsibility of industry and in only rare instances is it proper to depend upon federal or state agencies to alleviate the situation. Several solutions have been evolved by single manufacturers and it is of interest to examine one of them in some detail. Eight years ago one firm established, at its own expense, an industrial fellowship under my direction at the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research of the University of Pittsburgh. The organization has grown steadily and we now have a staff of 18 technically trained persons, and facilities to house about 3,500 animals, with further expansion visible in the near future. By means of close contact with the research, production, sales, and medical departments of this manufacturer our group is made aware of all new chemicals which he develops. Upon all chemicals suspected of being potentially injurious to workmen or about which any doubt is entertained, we at once 165 Rosner and Markowitz. Page 48 of216 perform pharmacological experiments designed to elucidate the situation. It is performed in a short time and at a cost of only a few hundred dollars, and the results can be made known to the producer before the stage of pilot plant operation is reached. When this information is published in the medical literature, our function is fulfilled in respect to the particular material, and the physician and hygienist are thus informed so that they can intelligently safeguard health. The theme Smyth advanced in his 1946 article was continued by Union Carbide in a poster presentation at the 1949 Annual Meeting of the Industrial Hygiene Foundation. The poster pointed out that toxicity studies protect "research chemists, production men, transport employees, the ultimate consumer and the public. Responsibie industry, beginning in the early twentieth century, began to undo the wrongs to workers and to stem the tide of occupational diseases.
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Dihydroxyacetone induces G2/M arrest and apoptotic cell death in A375P melanoma cells. Toll-Like Receptor 4 Reduces Occludin and Zonula Occludens 1 to Increase Retinal Permeability Both in vitro and in vivo. Fluorescence quenching-based signal amplification on immunochromatography test strips for dual-mode sensing of two biomarkers of breast cancer. Sarcosine influences apoptosis and growth of prostate cells via cell-type specific regulation of distinct sets of genes. UbiquitinConjugating Enzyme E2 L3 is Downregulated by the Chikungunya Virus nsP2 Protease. Effect of the large-scale green tide on the species succession of green macroalgal micropropagules in the coastal waters of Qingdao, China. Spermidine rescues proximal tubular cells from oxidative stress and necrosis after ischemic acute kidney injury. Influence of reactive oxygen species on secretory component in the intestinal epithelium during hyperoxia. Dual-Targeted Cascade-Responsive Prodrug Micelle System for Tumor Therapy in Vivo. Oleic acid Enhances Dengue Virus But Not Dengue Virus-Like Particle Production from Mammalian Cells. Activity-Dependent Arc Expression and Homeostatic Synaptic Plasticity Are Altered in Neurons from a Mouse Model of Angelman Syndrome. Fluorescent imaging of protein myristoylation during cellular differentiation and development. Fluorescent aptasensor for antibiotic detection using magnetic bead composites coated with gold nanoparticles and a nicking enzyme. Detection and identification of four 16Sr subgroups of phytoplasmas associated with different legume crops in India. The Histone Acetyltransferase Mst2 Protects Active Chromatin from Epigenetic Silencing by Acetylating the Ubiquitin Ligase Brl1. Polyoxometalate-Based Radiosensitization Platform for Treating Hypoxic Tumors by Attenuating Radioresistance and Enhancing Radiation Response. Easy labeling of proliferative phase and sporogonic phase of microsporidia Nosema bombycis in host cells. Resveratrol suppresses lipoproteinassociated phospholipase A2 expression by reducing oxidative stress in macrophages and animal models. Biopatterning of Keratinocytes in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems as a Potential Tool for Skin Tissue Engineering. Lactobacillus plantarum producing a Chlamydia trachomatis antigen induces a specific IgA response after mucosal booster immunization. Size-related cytotoxicological aspects of polyvinylpyrrolidone-capped platinum nanoparticles. Calgizzarin (S100A11): a novel inflammatory mediator associated with disease activity of rheumatoid arthritis. Membrane integration of an essential -barrel protein prerequires burial of an extracellular loop. A Dual-Functional Persistently Luminescent Nanocomposite Enables Engineering of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Homing and Gene Therapy of Glioblastoma. Epac1 agonist decreased inflammatory proteins in retinal endothelial cells, and loss of Epac1 increased inflammatory proteins in the retinal vasculature of mice. Aquaporin-3 mediates hydrogen peroxide-dependent responses to environmental stress in colonic epithelia. Incorporation of non-canonical amino acids into the developing murine proteome [Published online August 30, 2016] Scientific Reports. Compound 49b Restores Retinal Thickness and Reduces Degenerate Capillaries in the Rat Retina following Ischemia/Reperfusion. Chondroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of ChondroT, a new complex herbal medication. Expression of nerve growth factor in skin tissues and its effect on the proliferation of outer root sheath cells in cashmere goats. Fgf regulates dedifferentiation during skeletal muscle regeneration in adult zebrafish. Correlated S-palmitoylation profiling of Snail-induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli express type 1 fimbriae only in surface adherent populations under physiological growth conditions. Expression of nerve growth factor and its receptor, tyrosine kinase receptor A, in rooster testes. Gene delivery efficiency and intracellular trafficking of novel poly(allylamine) derivatives. The necessity of and strategies for improving confidence in the accuracy of western blots. More information about Azure Biosystems intellectual property assets, including patents, trademarks and copyrights, is available at Asbestos Textile Production Linked to Malignant Peritoneal and Pleural Mesothelioma in Women: Analysis of 28 Cases in Southeast China, Am. The scientific basis for the mesothelial carcinogenicity of chrysotile is an established body of published epidemiological studies, animal carcinogen assays, and pleural fiber burden studies. Also positive associations have been observed between eXfosure to all forms of asbestos and cancer of the pharynx, stomach, and colorectum. European Communities - Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos - Containing Products. Monograph 100C: Asbestos (Chrysotile, Amosite, Crocidolite, Tremolite, Actinolite and Anthophyllite), Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer (2012). In making its judgment, the Working Group considers several criteria for causality (Hill, 1965). If there are inconsistent results among investigations, possible reasons are sought (such as differences in exposure), and results of studies that are judged to be of high quality are given more weight than those of studies that are judged to be methodologically less sound. The demonstration of a decline in risk after cessation of or reduction in exposure in individuals or in whole populations also supports a causal interpretation of the findings. Temporality, precision of estimates of effect, biological plausibility and coherence of the overall database are considered. When several epidemiological studies show little or no indication of an association between an exposure and cancer, a judgment may be made that, in the aggregate, they show evidence of lack of carcinogenicity. Specifically, the possibility that bias, confounding or misclassification of exposure or outcome could explain the observed results should be considered and excluded with reasonable certainty. In addition, all studies that are judged to be methodologically sound should (a) be consistent with an estimate of effect of unity for any observed level of exposure, (b) when considered together, provide a pooled estimate of relative Page 7 of216 risk that is at or near to unity, and (c) have a narrow confidence interval, due to sufficient population size. Moreover, no individual study nor the pooled results of all the studies should show any consistent tendency that the relative risk of cancer increases with increasing level of exposure. This is especially true where the studies were not designed to investigate the specific question of mesothelioma risk in a particular population. The evidence comes from epidemiologic studies, animal bioassays, pharmacokinetic/mechanistic experiments, and surveys of human exposure.
These infants also may show microcephaly medications are administered to purchase albenza 400 mg line, epicanthal folds symptoms 24 buy albenza 400 mg cheap, short palpebral fissures medications erectile dysfunction cheap 400 mg albenza free shipping, maxillary hypoplasia medications not to take after gastric bypass order 400mg albenza free shipping, a thin upper lip, a small jaw (micrognathia), and a poorly developed philtrum. Cardiac septal defects may affect up to one third of patients, although these often close spontaneously. Children infected in utero with Toxoplasma, rubella virus, cytomegalovirus, or herpes simplex virus show remarkably similar effects. The severe damage inflicted by these organisms is mostly irreparable, and prevention (if possible) is the only alternative. The neonatal infection is usually acquired during passage through the birth canal of a mother with active genital herpes. Congenital herpes infection can be prevented by cesarean section of mothers who have active genital lesions. Only a minority present with multisystem disease and the entire spectrum of abnormalities (Table 6-1). Growth retardation and abnormalities of the brain, eyes, liver, hematopoietic system, and heart are common. In acute encephalitis, foci of necrosis are initially surrounded by inflammatory cells. Microcephaly, hydrocephalus, and abnormally shaped gyri and sulci (microgyria) are frequent. Severe brain damage is reflected in psychomotor retardation, neurologic defects, and seizures. Keratoconjunctivitis is the most common ocular lesion in newborns afflicted with herpes simplex. Patent ductus arteriosus and various septal defects are the most common cardiac abnormalities. Congenital Syphilis the organism that causes syphilis, Treponema pallidum, is transmitted to the fetus by a mother who has acquired syphilis during pregnancy. The fetus may possibly develop syphilis if the mother became infected in the 2 years before the pregnancy, although the actual risk cannot be accurately assessed. Congenital syphilis affects about 1 in 2000 liveborn infants in the United States. In pregnant syphilitic women, stillbirth occurs in 1/3, and 2/3 of infants carried to term manifest congenital syphilis. Early infections most likely induce abortions, and grossly visible signs of congenital syphilis appear only in fetuses infected after the 16th week of pregnancy. Spirochetes grow in all fetal tissues, and the clinical presentation is thus variable. They show perivascular infiltrates of lymphocytes and plasma cells, and granuloma-like lesions termed gummas. Many infants are asymptomatic, only to develop the typical stigmata of congenital syphilis in the first few years of life. Destruction of the nasal bridge eventually results in flattening of the nose, so-called saddle nose. Palms and soles are usually affected (as in secondary syphilis of adults), although it may involve the entire body or any part. Flat raised plaques (condylomata lata) around the anus and female genitalia may develop early or after a few years. Hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, and lymphadenopathy may also be observed in early congenital syphilis. Thus, the permanent incisors may be notched (Hutchinson teeth) and the molars malformed (mulberry molars). This complication is particularly evident in the anterior tibia, resulting in a distinctive outward curving (saber shins). Meningitis predominates in early congenital syphilis, leading to convulsions, mild hydrocephalus, and mental retardation. Meningovascular syphilis is a common lesion in later syphilis, which may result in deafness, mental retardation, paresis and other manifestations of neurosyphilis. Hutchinson triad refers to the combination of deafness, interstitial keratitis, and notched incisor teeth. The diagnosis of congenital syphilis is suggested by clinical findings plus a history of maternal infection. If penicillin is given during intrauterine life or during the first 2 years of postnatal life, the prognosis is excellent, and most symptoms of early and late congenital syphilis will be prevented. Thus, group A contains 2 large metacentric and a large submetacentric chromosome, group B has 2 large submetacentric chromosomes, group C includes 6 submetacentric chromosomes, etc. The Normal Chromosomal Complement Is 44 Autosomes and 2 Sex Chromosomes Cytogenetic analysis can be done on any dividing cell but most studies use circulating lymphocytes, which are easily stimulated to undergo mitosis. Cells are then spread on glass slides to disperse the chromosomes, which are stained to faciitate more precise identification of chromosomes and their distinct bands. Using probes with different fluorophores, one can demonstrate chromosomal translocations. Chromosomal Banding Using a stain such as Giemsa, chromosomes are classified according to their length and the positions of their constrictions, or centromeres. The location of the centromere is used to classify chromosomes as metacentric, submetacentric, or acrocentric. In metacentric chromosomes (1, 3, 19, and 20) the centromere is exactly in the middle. Acrocentric chromosomes (13, 14, 15, 21, 22, and Y) display very short arms or stalks and satellites attached to an eccentrically located centromere. To identify each chromosome individually, special stains delineate specific bands of different staining intensity on each chromosome. The pattern of bands is unique to each chromosome and makes possible to (1) pair two homologous chromosomes, (2) recognize each chromosome, and (3) identify defects on each segment of a chromosome. By contrast, facultative heterochromatin forms the inactive X chromosome (Barr body). Unbalanced karyotype: Derivative chromosome 12 with chromosome 4 material attached (partial trisomy for 49 and partial monosomy for 12q). Characterization of marker chromosomes from an aneuploid breast cancer showing multiple translocations. By a normal process known as crossing-over, parts of these chromosomes are exchanged, thus rearranging the genetic constituents of each chromosome. By an abnormal process termed translocation, such exchanges may also involve nonhomologous chromosomes. Two major types of chromosomal translocations are recognized: reciprocal and robertsonian. Reciprocal Translocations Offspring of carriers of balanced translocations, however, are at risk because they will have unbalanced karyotypes and may show severe phenotypic abnormalities. The abnormal positions of the exchanged chromosomal segments may disturb meiosis and lead to abnormal segregation of chromosomes. To achieve complete pairing of translocated segments, a cross-like structure (quadriradial) is formed from the two chromosomes with the translocations plus their two normal homologues. Unlike the normal bivalent, which typically resolves by orderly migration each chromosome to the opposite pole, a quadriradial can divide along several different planes. Some resulting gametes carry unbalanced chromosomes and on fertilization yield zygotes with various combinations of partial trisomy and monosomy for segments of the translocated chromosomes. Robertsonian Translocations Robertsonian translocation (centric fusion) involves the centromere of acrocentric chromosomes. When two nonhomologous chromosomes are broken near the centromere, they may exchange two arms to form one large metacentric chromosome and a small chromosomal fragment. As in reciprocal translocation, robertsonian translocation is balanced if there is no significant loss of genetic material.
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