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The juxtaglomerular cells are also sensitive to changes of Na+ and Cl- concentration in the renal tubular fluid; therefore blood pressure 14090 order 40 mg diovan mastercard, any combination of factors that decreases fluid volume (dehydration blood pressure medication starting with a diovan 80 mg discount, decreased blood pressure blood pressure reading chart cheap 160 mg diovan visa, fluid or blood loss) or decreases NaCl concentration stimulates renin release useless eaters hypertension zip generic 80 mg diovan with visa. Renin acts upon the substrate angiotensinogen to produce the decapeptide angiotensin I. Various nonapeptide analogs of angiotensin I and other compounds act as competitive inhibitors of converting enzyme and are used to treat renin-dependent hypertension. It inhibits renin release from the juxtaglomerular cells and is a potent stimulator of aldosterone production. The diversity of these products is due to the many dibasic amino acid clusters that are potential cleavage sites for trypsin-like enzymes. These modifications include phosphorylation, acetylation, glycosylation, and amidation. The catecholamines, also synthesized in active form, are stored in granules in the chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla. A several-week supply of T3 and T4 exists in the thyroglobulin that is stored in colloid in the lumen of the thyroid follicles. First, these proteins circumvent the solubility problem and thereby deliver the hormone to the target cell. Hormones, when bound to the transport proteins, cannot be metabolized, thereby prolonging their plasma half-life (t1/2). The binding affinity of a given hormone to its transporter determines the bound versus free ratio of the hormone. In general, the concentration of free hormone in plasma is very low, in the range of 10-15 to 10-9 mol/L. It is important to distinguish between plasma transport proteins and hormone receptors. One-half to two-thirds of T4 and T3 in the body is in an extrathyroidal reservoir. Thus, in spite of the great difference in total amount, the free fraction of T3 approximates that of T4, and given that T3 is intrinsically more active than T4, most biologic activity is attributed to T3. Glucocorticoids Are Transported by Corticosteroid-Binding Globulin Hydrocortisone (cortisol) also circulates in plasma in proteinbound and free forms. The avidity of binding helps determine the biologic half-lives of various glucocorticoids. Aldosterone, the most potent natural mineralocorticoid, does not have a specific plasma transport protein. These binding proteins also provide a circulating reservoir of hormone, and because of the relatively large binding capacity they probably buffer against sudden changes in the plasma level. Because the metabolic clearance rates of these steroids are inversely related to the affinity of their binding to the presence of a specific receptor defines the target cells for a given hormone. Receptors are proteins that bind specific hormones and generate an intracellular signal (receptor-effector coupling). Some hormones have intracellular receptors; others bind to receptors on the plasma membrane. Hormones are synthesized from a number of precursor molecules, including cholesterol, tyrosine per se, and all the constituent amino acids of peptides and proteins. The complement of enzymes in a particular cell type allows for the production of a specific class of steroid hormone. Most of the lipid-soluble hormones are bound to rather specific plasma transport proteins. Other signaling molecules-including cytokines, interleukins, growth factors, and metabolites-use some of the same general mechanisms and signal transduction pathways.
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