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Autoimmune disease biomarkers have the potential to enable diagnosis before the onset of symptoms anxiety buy discount prozac 40mg line, predict specific organ involvement and disease flares nber depression definition generic prozac 40 mg on line, identify clinically meaningful disease subsets anxiety 4th best 40 mg prozac, predict and monitor response to therapy depression gifs 40mg prozac overnight delivery, and describe organ or tissue damage. Biomarkers might also be very useful in preclinical studies to identify genetic predisposition to disease or environmental triggers, and they may provide early information about the potential efficacy of experimental agents or mechanisms underlying drug activity. Biomarkers will also enhance the conduct of clinical trials, because they can serve as surrogate endpoints that substitute for traditional clinical endpoints and therefore help predict the effect of a therapeutic intervention. With an adequate arsenal of bio markers, it will likely become possible to conduct shorter clinical trials involving fewer patients. Prevention trials in particular, which tend to be lengthy and expensive, may benefit from the availability of validated surrogate endpoints. Biomarker development and validation is complex and many biomarkers are needed, since those that are useful at one stage of disease may not be useful at other stages. Research to date suggests that some biomarkers may be common to a variety of autoimmune diseases, although others are disease-specific. Currently, many biomarker candidates have been identified, but few, if any have been confirmed conclusively enough to enable their routine use in clinical and epidemiologic studies or patient care. Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention 55 Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases Treatments to reduce the symptoms of most autoimmune diseases are available, but definitive cures have yet to be developed. For example, patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus can take insulin to replace the hormone that is not produced by their damaged pancreatic islet cells. Similarly, patients with autoimmune thyroiditis can be treated with thyroid hormones. The third essential step in a prevention program is to develop preventive interventions that can be safely and ethically implemented before disease is evident. Such measures, when they become available, can be coupled with public screening programs designed to identify individuals at risk. These include: (1) improving diagnosis and disease monitoring through expanded research on biomarkers and bioimaging; (2) strengthening the clinical research infrastructure through centralized, broad-based clinical research centers, and the development of better classification and response criteria; and (3) creating public-private partnerships for clinical trials. For example, numerous initiatives supporting clinical trials are underway, including strengthening clinical research infrastructure. Selected examples of new and continuing programs ­ and of scientific advances achieved over the past two years ­ are described below. We describe these programs according to the four broad categories noted above, but in 58 Progress in Autoimmune Diseases Research Diagnosis and Disease Progression Established and new initiatives in this area support studies to improve diagnosis and to better understand the mechanisms underlying disease progression. Biomarkers of disease and disease progression continue to be a major focus of studies in this area. For exam ple, the goal of the Autoimmune Biomarkers Collaborative Network is to develop bio markers for two major rheumatic diseases ­ rheumatoid arthritis and lupus ­ that can be used reliably in a clinical setting to define disease subsets or to follow disease activity and progression. The new tools developed through the network will assist physicians in diagnosis, selection and management of therapy, and collection of predictive information about disease flares and long-term outcome. These studies focus on the immune and non-immune mechanisms governing injury induction and development, and relevant genetics of microcirculation and organ involvement in rheumatic diseases. Knowledge gained from research in this area will help to construct a more comprehensive picture of autoimmune disease pathogenesis. Defining the pathogenic processes involving specific target organs may provide the scientific rationale for new types of interventions. The Beta Cell Imaging Initiative funds efforts to develop techniques or reagents to image or otherwise noninvasively detect pancreatic islet beta cells in vivo in order to measure their mass, function, or evidence of inflammation, or to monitor engraftment of transplanted isolated pancreatic islets. These measurements can be used to monitor individuals at high risk for type 1 diabetes and assess their response to preventive therapy. This novel technique will provide new insights into the autoimmune process that causes type 1 diabetes, which should ultimately lead to new prevention strategies. Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention 59 the Beta Cell Biology Consortium seeks to understand basic mechanisms underlying pancreatic development and function; generate a renewable source of pancreatic beta cells to facilitate the development of cell-based therapies for diabetes; understand the requirements for survival and engraftment of transplanted cells or tissue; and generate novel resources for research, such as "PancChips" containing all known genes expressed in both the human and mouse pancreas. Identifying beta cell proteins and generating wellcharacterized antibodies that bind both human and mouse islet cell antigens will facilitate studies of pathogenesis. Pulmonary fibrosis is an autoimmune disease of unknown cause that is characterized by inflammation and scarring of the lungs. The scarring can progress to the point that the lungs are unable to provide sufficient oxygen to the body. The Pulmonary Fibrosis: Molecular Targets and Interventions initiative supports research to discover and validate molecular targets for interfering with the fibrogenesis associated with this disease. Research on drugs that act on previously or newly identified targets to attenuate, halt, or reverse fibrogenesis is also encouraged.

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