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C. Esiel, M.A.S., M.D.
Co-Director, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
It is important to emphasize the need for clean hands; clean perineum; clean delivery surface; clean instruments; clean cord care; avoidance of harmful traditional practices; prevention of unnecessary vaginal examinations; prevention of prolonged labor; and optimal management of pregnancy complications including prolonged rupture of the membranes womens health 9 diet buy cabergoline 0.5 mg with mastercard, maternal fever womens health weight loss buy cabergoline 0.5mg on-line, and chorioamnionitis or puerperal sepsis [355] women's health sexuality issues cheap cabergoline 0.25mg without a prescription. It is important to link postpartum care of the mother with surveillance and care of the newborn womens health 97045 purchase cabergoline 0.5mg on line. Postnatal visits should be used for health education and negotiation of improved household practices and to detect and treat the sick newborn and to evaluate the mother. Birth attendants need to be trained to identify problems in the newborn, to treat simple problems. Birth attendants should provide all new mothers with breast-feeding support and give advice regarding personal hygiene and cleanliness and other prevention strategies, such as clean cord care, thermal care, and immunization. Improvement in domestic hygiene should be encouraged, including sanitary disposal of wastes, use of clean water, and hand washing, so that the newborn enters a clean home and is less likely to encounter pathogenic organisms. Community interventions need to be designed and modified to meet the needs of mothers and newborns in different settings in different countries with varying policies on the role of frontline workers in the recognition and management of infections. Despite its importance, postnatal care is one of the most neglected aspects of maternal and newborn care in low-income and middle-income countries. Although numerous simple, low-cost preventive interventions are available that can avert a substantial proportion of deaths attributed to infections-including immediate and exclusive breast-feeding, thermal care, hand washing, clean cord care, and skin-to-skin care [8,10,12,15]-few data are available on coverage with postnatal care. In 12 African countries, more recent Demographic Health Survey data indicated that less than 10% of newborns, on average, received an early postnatal care visit [356]. Another study found that promotion of healthy, preventive household newborn care practices. Serious infections seemed to be the most important cause of death that was averted. Breast-feeding is especially important in developing countries, where safe alternatives to breast milk are often unavailable or too expensive. Poor hygiene and a lack of clean water and clean feeding utensils make artificial formula a significant vehicle for the transmission of infection. Breast milk has many unique anti-infective factors, including secretory IgA antibodies, lysozyme, and lactoferrin (for additional information, see Chapter 5). In addition, breast milk is rich in receptor analogues for certain epithelial structures that microorganisms need for attachment to host tissues, an initial step in infection [360]. Ideally, high-risk infants who are born at home should be referred to the nearest health care facility for observation and antibiotic therapy. In practice, this referral may be either impossible or unacceptable to the family, as evidenced by high rates of noncompliance with referral in many settings [27,357,359], and ways to deliver care to the mother and the newborn in the home must be developed and evaluated. Early identification and appropriate treatment of newborns with infection are crucial to survival. In low-income and middle-income countries, where access to care may be limited, diagnosis and treatment are particularly difficult. Maternal and neonatal factors that increase risk of infection in the newborn must be recognized. In areas without sophisticated technology and the diagnostic help of laboratory tests and radiographic studies, treatment decisions must be made on the basis of the history and findings on physical examination. In multivariable analysis, 14 signs were independent predictors of severe disease: reduced feeding ability, absence of spontaneous movement, temperature greater than 38 C, drowsiness or unconsciousness, a history of a feeding problem or change in activity, state of agitation, the presence of lower chest indrawing (retractions), respiratory rate greater than 60/min, grunting, cyanosis, a history of convulsions, a bulging fontanelle, and slow digital capillary refill. The presence of any one of these signs had a sensitivity for severe disease (sepsis, meningitis, hypoxemia, or radiologically proven pneumonia) of 87% and a specificity of 54%; reducing the list to nine signs reduced sensitivity only slightly (83%), but significantly improved specificity (62%) [385]. More recently, 8899 young infants who presented to health facilities in six countries (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Ghana, South Africa, Bolivia) with a complaint of illness were enrolled in a second Young Infant Clinical Signs Study. Seven signs were found to be associated with severe illness requiring referral level care in the first week of life: history of difficulty feeding, history of convulsions, movement only when stimulated, respiratory rate of 60 breaths/min or more, severe chest indrawing, and temperature of 37.
Because resistance is rare women's health clinic saskatoon purchase cabergoline 0.25mg with mastercard, other causes womens health 7 squats cheap 0.5mg cabergoline free shipping, such as noncompliance of the patient or partner menstruation 4 times a month order 0.25 mg cabergoline free shipping, should be considered women's health clinic gillette wy order cabergoline 0.25 mg mastercard. Atrophic vaginitis, associated with decreased estradiol levels, is most often seen in postmenopausal women but also may be seen in breastfeeding women. Atrophic changes in the vulvovaginal tissues result from estrogen withdrawal; the normal protective thickness of the vaginal epithelium depends on estrogen stimulation. Without consistent and sufficient estrogen, the vaginal epithelium becomes thin; vulvar structures may atrophy. The vagina is often pale with punctate hemorrhagic spots throughout the vaginal wall. There is an absence of superficial epithelial cells and a predominance of parabasal cells. Atrophic vaginitis must be suspected in hypoestrogenic women who present with leukorrhea, pruritus, burning, tenderness, and dyspareunia. Physical examination of the vagina reveals atrophic, sometimes inflamed vaginal walls. Topical administration of vaginal cream containing estrogen reverses symptoms and tissue changes. Changes in tissues require long-term therapy and may not be noticed until after 3 to 4 months of treatment. Proliferation and maturation of the vaginal epithelium, as well as compliance and elasticity of the vaginal wall, are restored. Vulvar dystrophies are dermatologic conditions of the vulvar skin of uncertain etiology. Most frequently seen in postmenopausal women, these conditions often accompany a history of chronic candidal vulvovaginitis. With lichen sclerosus, vulvar burning, pruritus, or chronic soreness associated with "vulvar dysuria" frequently occurs. Vulvar biopsy is ultimately necessary to make the diagnosis, but a preliminary diagnosis can be made based on physical examination. Hyperplastic dystrophy presents as thickened skin ("elephant hide") accompanied by linear excoriations from scratching. Lichen sclerosus presents as extremely pale, thin skin, often with subepithelial hemorrhages. In its most severe form, painful contraction of the introitus or clitoral hood is noted. Hyperplastic dystrophy responds well to a 6- to 8-week trial of topical fluorinated steroid cream. Potent fluorinated steroid creams are the treatment of choice; testosterone was used in the past but is not recommended anymore. In pediatric patients, foreign bodies placed in the vagina serve as sources of infection or trauma. Chemical irritation can be secondary to douches, deodorants, lubricants, or topical intravaginal preparations. Vulvovaginitis resulting from foreign bodies or chemical irritants responds immediately to withdrawal of the causative agent. Malignancies can masquerade for months as vulvar lesions; thus, they are often ignored by patients or mistreated by physicians as irritations or infections. Patients who present with a long-term history of symptoms and treatment failures of vulvar lesions should undergo biopsy before receiving further therapy. Therapy appropriate for the condition described in the pathology report is indicated. Transmission is through direct contact with an individual who is actively shedding virus from skin or mucous membrane lesions. Primary infection (1) the infection is usually acquired from sexual contact, with symptoms appearing in 2 to 12 days. Recurrent infection (1) the dormant herpesvirus resides in the neurons of the sacral ganglia, which supply the areas of cutaneous involvement. When typical lesions are present, a presumptive diagnosis of herpes genitalis can be made on physical examination. Sensitivity of cultures is 90% if vesicles are present, but only 30% if lesions are crusted.
Additionally menstruation fertility best cabergoline 0.25mg, women in labor on hospital admission generally do not have their amniotic fluid sampled menstrual cramps 7 months pregnant order 0.5mg cabergoline with mastercard, but have been shown to have higher rates of microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity (39%) than women not in labor (25%) womens health 092013 generic cabergoline 0.5 mg visa. When women do enter labor women's health center abington cabergoline 0.5mg free shipping, the risk of microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity is even higher at 75% [66]. The earliest signs are often subtle and include changes in color, tone, activity, and feeding patterns; poor temperature control; or simply a general feeling that the neonate is "not doing well. Late signs include grunting, dyspnea, cyanosis, arrhythmias, hepatosplenomegaly, petechiae, seizures, bulging fontanelles, and irritability. Laboratory Criteria in the Placenta and Newborn or Stillborn Infant Examination of the cord, placenta, or membranes for a leukocytic infiltrate has been suggested as another technique to identify infants at risk for infection. Placental inflammation or funisitis or both are found far in excess of proven cases of sepsis, however, and the technique is cumbersome [7]. Several studies have performed microbiologic studies of mid-trimester genetic amniocentesis fluid. Risk of adverse pregnancy outcome is increased when patients are asymptomatic, but have positive results on such studies at mid-trimester amniocentesis compared with patients with culture-negative fluid [59]. Emerging evidence also suggests that chronic inflammation may be present in maternal serum. Goldenberg and colleagues showed elevated granulocyte colony-stimulating factor at 24 weeks and 28 weeks in women subsequently delivering prematurely [69]. Building on the idea that infection could be present before conception, Andrews and associates [70] performed a prospective, randomized trial to evaluate whether interconceptional antibiotics (azithromycin and metronidazole) decreased the rate of preterm birth. In their population of women with a recent early spontaneous birth, administration of these antibiotics did not significantly reduce the rate of subsequent preterm birth. In a subsequent subgroup analysis, this group found that neither baseline endometrial microbial colonization nor plasma cell endometritis was a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcome. Colonization with specific microbes interacted with the antibiotics to increase adverse outcomes [71]. Interconceptional antibiotics are not recommended at this time in an attempt to reduce subsequent preterm delivery. In a large, nonrandomized allocation of intrapartum versus immediate postpartum treatment, the former treatment was associated with a significant decrease in neonatal bacteremia (2. Cerebrospinal fluid specimens were obtained only from infants with referable signs or symptoms. All infants received identical regimens consisting of intravenous ampicillin and gentamicin begun within 1 to 2 hours of birth and continued for at least 72 hours. If bacteremia or neonatal pneumonia was diagnosed, antibiotics were continued for 10 days [74]. Initiation of intrapartum antibiotics leads to a decrease in neonatal death from sepsis and an improved maternal outcome. Pharmacokinetic studies [75] done during early pregnancy show that ampicillin concentrations in maternal and fetal sera are comparable 60 to 90 minutes after administration. Penicillin G levels in fetal serum are one third the maternal levels 120 minutes after administration [76]. Transfer of ampicillin into fetus and amniotic fluid from maternal plasma in late pregnancy. In late pregnancy, gentamicin also crosses the placenta rapidly, but peak fetal levels may be low, especially if maternal levels are subtherapeutic [77]. Locksmith and colleagues [78] evaluated maternal and fetal serum drug levels between women who received the standard gentamicin dosing versus once-daily dosing (5 mg/kg every 24 hours). The authors found that the once-daily dosing regimen resulted in fetal serum peak levels that were closer to optimal neonatal values. Achieving the same gentamicin levels in the fetus as are targeted in the newborn infant seems worthy of future investigation. Clindamycin achieves peak concentrations in maternal blood within minutes after injection and in fetal blood shortly thereafter. In pharmacokinetic studies later in pregnancy, peak clindamycin concentrations were approximately one half of maternal peaks, but the former were still within therapeutic ranges [77].
The following portions of the examination are likely to reveal abnormal conditions: 1 women's health big book of exercises uk buy discount cabergoline 0.5 mg line. Use a sterile nonlatex rubber glove when touching a leaking sac (in most circumstances women's health clinic brisbane northside buy cabergoline 0.5mg free shipping, only the neurosurgeon needs to touch the back) menstruation 9 dage cheap cabergoline 0.5 mg with mastercard. Note the location womens health alliance discount 0.25 mg cabergoline, shape, and size of the defect and the thin "parchment-like" overlying skin, although it has little relation to the size of the sac. It is important to note the curvature of the spine and the presence of a bony gibbus underlying the defect. For suspected closed lesions, document hemangioma, hairy patch, deep dimple or sinus tract if present; ultrasonography of the lower spine can show the level of the conus and presence of normal root movement in cases where this is in question. At birth, some infants will have macrocephaly because of hydrocephalus, and still, more will develop hydrocephalus after closure of the defect on the back. The fontanels may be quite large and the calvarial bones widely separated (see Chap. Abnormalities in conjugate movement of the eyes are common and include esotropias, esophorias, and abducens paresis. Predicting ambulation and muscle strength based on the "level" of the neurologic deficit can be misleading; and, very often, the anal reflex or "wink" will be present at birth and absent postoperatively, owing to spinal shock and edema. Look at thigh positions and skinfolds, and perform the Ortolani and Barlow maneuvers for evidence of congenital dysplasia of the hips. With open lesions, this exam should be deferred until after the repair of the meningomyelocele. Repeated neurologic examinations at periodic intervals is more helpful in predicting functional outcome than a single newborn examination. Similarly, sensory examination of the newborn can be misleading because of the potential absence of a motor response to pinprick. Neurologic Disorders 749 can be encountered and should be considered before beginning surgical treatment or before discharge from the hospital. In addition, plan an ophthalmologic examination and hearing evaluation during the hospitalization or following discharge. The care of an infant with a neural tube defect requires the coordinated efforts of a number of medical and surgical specialists, as well as specialists in nursing, physical therapy, and social service. Some centers have a myelodysplasia team to help coordinate the following specialists. The initial care of the child with an open neural tube defect is predominantly neurosurgical. A thorough evaluation before surgical procedures is important, particularly to detect other abnormalities, such as congenital cardiac anomalies, that might influence surgical and anesthetic risk. A clinical geneticist should conduct a complete dysmorphology evaluation during the first hospitalization. Consult a urologist on the day of birth because of the risk of obstructive uropathy. The pediatric orthopedic surgeon is responsible for the initial assessment of musculoskeletal abnormalities and long-term management of ambulation, seating, and spine stability. Clubfeet, frequently encountered in these newborns, should be assessed and may be managed during this hospitalization. Arrange for a social worker familiar with the special needs of children with neural tube defects to meet the parents as early as possible. A multicenter, randomized controlled trial of in utero surgical correction with standard management was recently completed and found that performing prenatal surgery on fetuses with myelomeningocele may lead to better outcomes than if the surgery is performed postnatally. After 12 months, the 91 infants who had prenatal surgery were 30% less likely to die or need additional surgical procedures than the 92 infants who were treated postnatally. However, prenatal surgery was associated with increased risk of complications during pregnancy, including premature delivery and tearing of the uterine wall from the surgical scar. When the diagnosis of myelomeningocele is made prenatally, in utero repair is an option that parents may consider. Caesarean section prior to the onset of labor is the preferred mode of delivery because it decreases the likelihood of rupturing the meningeal sac and is associated with improved neurologic outcome (2). Keep the newborn in the prone position with a sterile saline-moistened gauze sponge placed over the defect covered by plastic wrap. Brain stem and portions of the cerebellum may herniate through the foramen magnum into the upper cervical spinal canal.