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H. Kelvin, MD
Vice Chair, University of Connecticut School of Medicine
The infant may exhibit: tachypnea menstruation with large fleshy clots cheap 500 mg xeloda with visa, respiratory distress menstruation visceral fat purchase xeloda 500 mg with mastercard, difficulty feeding 8 menopause myths buy xeloda 500mg on-line, tachycardia menstrual like cramping in late pregnancy purchase 500 mg xeloda fast delivery, +/ cyanosis, abnormal pulses or may be asymptomatic if the defect is mild. Asphyxia: May be associated with macrosomia and may acutely affect respiratory, renal, central nervous system and gastrointestinal functioning. Infants born to mothers with hyperglycemia have upregulated their insulin production to compensate for the higher levels of glucose they experienced in utero. After birth, this increased production of insulin in the infant drives glucose levels down placing the infant at risk for hypoglycemia. Insulin functions as the primary anabolic hormone of fetal growth and development resulting in visceromegaly and macrosomia. A mother with no prenatal care and a history of known substance abuse delivers a baby at term. What special medical and social concerns do you have about caring for this infant Neonatal abstinence syndrome scoring system- A system of scoring that assigns points based on each symptom of withdrawal the newborn exhibits and its severity. Review of Important Concepts: Historical Points the importance of prenatal care: the primary purposes of prenatal care are to identify and treat complications of pregnancy and fetal health and to promote healthy behaviors. Outcome data suggest that babies born to mothers who do not receive prenatal care are more likely to be of low birth weight and more likely to die compared with babies born to mothers who receive prenatal care. Lack of prenatal testing places the infant at increased risk for a host of diseases and conditions routinely picked up with adequate prenatal care. P a g e 229 Which substances did the mother use and what are the risks to the infant exposed to one or more substances of abuse Generally, the need for pharmacologic treatment for withdrawal symptoms is limited to neonates exposed to opioids or opiates. Pharmacologic treatment may involve morphine, methadone, phenobarbital, buprenorphine or diazepam. Which classes of drugs have been associated with causing neonatal psychomotor behavior consistent with withdrawal Seizures during withdrawal are possible with this risk being higher in the methadone exposed infant compared with the infant exposed to heroin. The abnormalities seen in stimulant exposed infants likely represent the effect of the drug and not a withdrawal from the drug. Withdrawal is uncommon but when present, the symptoms may be indistinguishable from narcotic induced withdrawal although milder in severity. Infants exposed to alcohol in utero are at increased risk for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: a constellation of physical, behavioral and cognitive abnormalities. Social Work Consult: the role of the social worker in this setting is to help evaluate the capability of the mother to provide a safe, supportive environment for her infant. This involves in depth discussions with the mother and often other family members and close friends and relatives. The social worker would assist the mother in arranging for financial support, medical care and substance abuse cessation programs, if desired, by mother. In most cases where there is a lack of prenatal care and substance abuse, the social worker would involve Child Protective Services to help in the determination as to the placement of the infant once the infant is medically stable. Infants are not generally allowed to be discharged with Mom until they are medically stable and a social worker has had the opportunity to evaluate the ability of the mom to care for the child and assess the general safety of the home environment. The decision to use drug therapy for neonatal drug withdrawal should depend on the presence of signs of withdrawal. Some protocols quantify the signs of withdrawal from a neonatal abstinence scoring system. Treatment should be based on the drug that the infant is withdrawing from and the degree of withdrawal. Treatment options may include the use of phenobarbital, methadone, paregoric, tincture of opium, as well as, techniques to decrease stimuli to the infant (swaddling, quiet environment, minimal stimulation, low lighting, etc. The timing of withdrawal is most closely linked to the half-life of the substance the infant is withdrawing from. Morphine has a short half life and symptoms are seen within 24 hours of birth and generally peaking around 48-72 hours after birth. Methadone has a longer half-life of over 24 hours with symptoms of withdrawal in the infant often not in evidence before 48 hours of age and sometimes not seen for as long as 1-4 weeks later; even longer for sub acute signs. Have the students obtain and review the Neonatal abstinence protocol at your institution and prepare a plan based on an infant with severe withdrawal from methadone with a weight of 2.
The nearest known high-density deepwater benthic community is located in Viosca Knoll Block 826 menopause type 9 discount xeloda 500 mg with mastercard, approximately 19 mi (31 km) from the project area menstrual irregularities buy discount xeloda 500 mg online. A small fuel spill would not affect benthic communities because the diesel fuel would float and dissipate on the sea surface zyprexa menstrual cycle order xeloda 500mg online. Impacts of a Large Oil Spill A large oil spill caused by a seafloor blowout could cause direct impacts women's health big book of 15 minute workouts review buy xeloda 500 mg amex. However, based on the site clearance letters for the proposed wellsites (Geoscience Earth & Marine Services, Inc. During the Deepwater Horizon spill, subsurface plumes were reported at a water depth of approximately 3,600 ft (1,100 m), extending at least 22 mi (35 km) from the wellsite and persisting for more than a month (Camilli et al. Potential impacts on sensitive resources would be an integral part of the decision and approval process for the use of dispersants, and such approval would be obtained from the Federal On-Scene Coordinator prior to the use of dispersants. The biological effects and fate of the oil remaining in the Gulf of Mexico from the Deepwater Horizon incident are still being studied, but numerous papers have been published discussing the nature of subsea oil plumes (e. Oil droplets or oiled sediment particles could come into contact with chemosynthetic organisms or deepwater corals in the vicinity of the spill site. The nearest designated Topographic Feature Stipulation Block is located approximately 76 mi (122 km) from the project area. A small fuel spill would float and dissipate on the surface and would not reach these seafloor features. If a subsurface plume were to occur, impacts on these features would be unlikely due to the distance and the difference in water depth. Due to the distance from the project area, it is unlikely that pinnacle trend live bottom areas would be affected by an accidental spill. A small fuel spill would float on the surface and would not reach these seafloor features. Near-bottom currents in the region are predicted to flow along the isobaths (Nowlin et al. Because of the distance from the project area, it is unlikely that Eastern Gulf live bottom areas would be affected by an accidental spill. In the event of an oil spill from a well blowout, a surface slick would not contact these seafloor features. Endangered or Threatened species that may occur in the project area and/or along the northern Gulf Coast are listed in Table 6. The table also indicates the location of critical habitat (if designated in the Gulf of Mexico). Critical habitat is defined as (1) specific areas within the geographical area occupied by the species at the time of listing, if they contain physical or biological features essential to conservation, and those features may require special management considerations or protection; and (2) specific areas outside the geographical area occupied by the species if the agency determines that the area itself is essential for conservation. Federally listed Endangered and Threatened species potentially occurring in the project area and along the northern Gulf Coast. Andrew) Florida salt marsh vole Chelonia mydas Dermochelys coriacea Eretmochelys imbricata Lepidochelys kempii Charadrius melodus Grus americana Carcharhinus longimanus Mobula birostris Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi Epinephelus striatus Pristis pectinata Acropora palmata Acropora cervicornis Dendrogyra cylindrus Mycetophyllia ferox Orbicella annularis Orbicella faveolata Orbicella franksi T E E E T E T T T T E T T T T T T T X X X X -X X - X X X X X X -X X X X X X X X X X X Peromyscus polionotus Microtus pennsylvanicus dukecampbelli E E - X X E = endangered; T = threatened; X = potentially present; - = not present. Critical habitat has been designated for all of these species (except the Florida salt marsh vole) as indicated in Table 6 and discussed in individual sections. The sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), five species of sea turtles, and the oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) are the only Endangered or Threatened species likely to occur in or near the project area. It is the only baleen whale known to be resident to the Gulf and is federally listed as Endangered. The genetically distinct Northern Gulf of Mexico stock is severely restricted in range, being found only in the northeastern Gulf in the waters of the DeSoto Canyon (Waring et al. The Threatened giant manta ray (Mobula birostris) is known from the Gulf of Mexico and could occur in the project area but is most commonly observed in the Gulf of Mexico at the Flower Garden Banks. The Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) has been observed in the Gulf of Mexico at the Flower Garden Banks but is most commonly observed in shallow tropical reefs of the Caribbean and is not expected to occur in the project area. Seven Threatened coral species are known from the northern Gulf of Mexico: elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata), staghorn coral (Acropora cervicronis), lobed star coral (Orbicella annularis), mountainous star coral (Orbicella faveolata), boulder star coral (Orbicella franksi), pillar coral (Dendrogyra cylindrus), and rough cactus coral (Mycetophyllia ferox). There are no other Threatened or Endangered species in the Gulf of Mexico that are reasonably likely to be adversely affected by either routine or accidental events.
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Special attention shall therefore be paid to environmental sustainability as well as determine the impact pathways of climate change and the areas of national vulnerability for appropriate policy interventions pregnancy 5 weeks 4 days generic xeloda 500 mg on-line. The process will be underpinned by rapid infrastructure and human development as well as the application of science women's medical health issues trusted xeloda 500 mg, technology and innovation womens health 7 flat belly purchase 500mg xeloda otc. In this regard pregnancy 15 weeks purchase 500mg xeloda visa, expenditure will be prioritized in favour of policies, programmes and projects in the following areas: 1. This will enhance the creation of employment and income earning opportunities for rapid and sustained economic growth and poverty reduction. It is also aimed at reducing poverty through a pro-poor, export-led growth strategy based on modernizing agriculture and linking it to industry in an emerging oil and gas economy. This chapter reviews the performance of the economy in the recent past, including changes in the structure of the economy, pattern of growth, relation between growth, poverty and employment, and the performance of the key macroeconomic variables. It also identifies the critical interventions that would have maximum impact in ensuring and sustaining macroeconomic stability. From 2001 onwards, however, growth began to accelerate and reached a high rate of 7. Indeed, for the Agriculture sector, the growth rates were generally attributed to cocoa production and marketing. Manufacturing, essentially, continues to shrink and does not have effective linkages to domestic raw materials and export markets (Table 2. Although these growth rates are significant, these sub-sectors are not sufficiently complementing agricultural and manufacturing production on the scale needed to create sustainable decent employment opportunities. Available evidence shows that financial institutions consider manufacturing and agricultural enterprises as very risky undertakings with high default traits. The reduction in poverty may be attributed to the strong growth in cocoa and forestry sub-sectors. Despite these gains, income inequality across regions and between socio-economic groups remains high and has increased during the period of accelerated growth. Current estimates indicate that only about 8% of total labour force is in the formal sector of the economy with the remaining in the informal sector. This implies that Ghana faces significant unemployment and under-employment problems which need to be addressed. It is expected that the impact of the global financial crisis would ease from 2010 with a significant bounce back in global economic activities by 2012. Sector Growth Projections Agriculture the modernization of the Agriculture sector is expected to be an important driver of growth in the medium-term on the basis of improved productivity (e. The Agriculture sector is therefore expected to grow at an average annual growth rate of 6. Growth in the Agriculture sector is expected to be led by the crops and livestock sub-sector with about 7% per annum, followed by the fisheries sub-sector with 4. The mining and quarrying sub-sector including the oil and gas industry is expected to lead the growth in this sector with an average annual growth rate of 22. The highest growth rate in the sub-sector is expected to be recorded in 2011 at 56. The electricity and water sub-sector is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 15%, while the construction sub-sector is expected to grow by about 13. The manufacturing sub-sector is expected to register the least annual growth in this sector at the rate of 8. The abating of the global financial crisis in the medium-term and the development of the oil and gas industry should positively impact growth of the Services sector, via the hotel and restaurants; transportation; international travel and tourism; and the banking and insurance sub-sectors. The transport, wholesale, and finance sub-sectors are expected to be the main growth drivers in the sector. The wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels sub-sector is expected to follow with an average annual growth rate of 9%, while the transport, storage and communication sub-sector is projected to grow at an average rate of 8. Government services and community, social and personal services are projected to grow at average annual growth rate of 5. Structure of the Economy Currently, under the old series with 1993 constant prices Agriculture constitutes the dominant sector of the economy, followed by Services and Industry respectively.