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N. Tamkosch, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.
Medical Instructor, Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine
Patients become significantly hypertensive and tachycardic and may develop high-output cardiac failure heart attack mayo clinic purchase 50 mg atenolol mastercard. Ethylene glycol: Stage I: intoxication blood pressure medication for preeclampsia buy atenolol 50mg without a prescription, slurred speech hypertension jama buy 100 mg atenolol overnight delivery, ataxia arteria 2000 generic atenolol 50mg fast delivery, stupor, hallucinations, seizures, coma. There are three major goals: (1) to correct the metabolic acidosis, (2) to block the production of metabolites, and (3) to remove the parent compound and toxic metabolites. Massive doses of bicarbonate may be required because the toxic metabolites are inorganic acids that are being produced continuously. Metabolites-Production of toxic metabolites can be blocked by administering either ethanol or fomepizole, both of which alter metabolism of the parent compounds to toxic metabolites by alcohol dehydrogenase. Intravenous solutions should be at concentrations of 10% or less to decrease toxicity. Laboratory Findings-Laboratory evaluation of these patients is notable for an elevated osmolal gap (Table 3613). The crystals can be either envelope-shaped calcium oxalate crystals or needle-shaped calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals. Leukocytosis and hypocalcemia occur in up to 85% of patients who ingest ethylene glycol. Metabolic acidosis with an increased anion gap is sometimes the first clue to ingestion of these toxic alcohols. Specific Treatment-Specific treatment of these intoxications is the mainstay of therapy and is similar for both methanol and ethylene glycol. Any patient with a history, clinical presentation, or laboratory findings suggestive of methanol or ethylene glycol Table 3613. The osmolal gap (osm) is determined by subtracting the calculated serum osmolality from the measured serum osmolality. Since these substances are not included in the calculated osmolality, there will be a gap proportionate to their serum concentration and inversely proportionate to their molecular weight: Serum concentration = osm Ч Molecular weight (mg/dL) 10 Approximate Corresponding Gosm (mosm/kg) 65 16 16 25 Molecular Weight Ethanol Methanol Ethylene glycol Isopropanol 46 32 62 60 300 50 100 150 Toxic Concentration Note: Most laboratories use the freezing point method for calculating osmolality. If the vaporization point method is used, alcohols are driven off and their contribution to osmolality is lost. Note: A normal osmolar gap may be present in the face of a potentially lethal methanol or ethylene glycol ingestion. Since alcohol dehydrogenase has a higher affinity for ethanol and will preferentially metabolize ethanol rather than the toxic alcohols, the goal is to maintain a blood ethanol level of 100150 mg/dL, which saturates the enzyme (Table 3614). Fomepizole (4-methylprazole) may be preferred over ethanol for the treatment of methanol and ethylene glycol ingestions. It offers the benefit of not needing to maintain a blood level as with ethanol treatment, but it is expensive. Fomepizole is extremely effective, but dialysis remains necessary to definitively remove the alcohols and their metabolites. Decontamination-Once bicarbonate and ethanol or fomepizole therapy have been instituted, hemodialysis is begun to remove the parent compound and toxic metabolites. This has the additional benefit of correcting severe acidosis refractory to intravenous bicarbonate therapy. Patients with methanol ingestion also should receive folic acid, 50 mg intravenously every 4 hours. Those with ethylene glycol ingestion should be given thiamine, 100 mg intramuscularly, and pyridoxine, 100 mg orally. The management of severe toxic alcohol ingestions at a tertiary care center after the introduction of fomepizole. General Considerations Isopropyl alcohol is a clear and colorless liquid found in rubbing alcohol, skin and hair products, and antifreeze. Half the isopropyl alcohol is excreted unchanged by the kidney, with the remainder metabolized in the liver to acetone. Isopropyl alcohol ingestion is usually relatively benign, with patients surviving after ingestions of up to 1 L. Patients often complain of headache, dizziness, confusion, intoxication, and poor coordination. Because isopropyl alcohol is a gastric irritant, it may cause gastritis, which can result in hematemesis.
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Both originate either from abnormal cardiac tissue affected by ischemia arrhythmia of the stomach buy 100mg atenolol visa, hypertrophy arteria axillaris order 50mg atenolol, dilation heart attack 8 trailer purchase atenolol 100mg otc, cardiomyopathy blood pressure low pulse high order atenolol 100 mg free shipping, and scar or from normal cardiac tissue induced by inotropes, endogenous catecholamines, autonomic stimulation, and metabolic derangements. Extrinsic Factors-Mechanical irritants (eg, chest tubes, central catheters, blood, and tamponade), metabolic derangements (eg, hypo- or hypermagnesemia, -kalemia, -phosphatemia, and -calcemia), adrenergic or vagotonic states, and cardiovascular drugs are frequent in the postoperative period and can induce and aggravate arrhythmias. Differential Diagnosis Problems peculiar to postoperative cardiac surgical patients that may lead to arrhythmias include hypovolemia, bleeding, pericardial tamponade, tension pneumothorax, thrombosis or dehiscence of a prosthetic valve, coronary ischemia, and hypoxia. Care must be exerted to ensure that the bedside monitor is working correctly and that observed rhythms are not due to electrical interference. Clinical Features the approach to the diagnosis of rhythm disturbances in the postoperative period is similar to that presented elsewhere. However, because of the unique perioperative factors that contribute to arrhythmias, an organized, rapid, and complete evaluation is crucial. Symptoms and Signs-Patients with cardiac arrhythmias in the perioperative period have findings identical to those seen in nonsurgical patients. They may have more profound and acute circulatory compromise owing to residual anesthetic agents, cardiopulmonary bypass effects, ongoing hemorrhage, metabolic derangements, volume shifts, hypothermia, and residual cardiac disease. Electrocardiography-Unique to cardiac surgical patients is the frequent presence of ventricular or atrial pacing wires, which can provide valuable information and management options. A predetermined configuration on the 12-lead machine is usually used, and the tracings based on the atrial wires will emphasize the atrial portion of the rhythm despite its small muscle mass. Laboratory Findings-Arterial blood gases and electrolytes should be obtained to exclude acidosis, alkalosis, and electrolyte abnormalities. Antiarrhythmics-Arrhythmias are frequent postoperatively, and prophylaxis with a variety of agents appears effective. In particular, -blockers reduce the incidence and severity of atrial arrhythmias and probably prevent some ventricular arrhythmias. Although there is conflicting evidence, magnesium appears to have some antiarrhythmic effects and may reduce the incidence of atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and ventricular arrhythmias as well. Calcium channel blockers may have similar benefits, but these agents are less well studied in the postoperative context. Further discussion of the medical treatment of arrhythmias is found in detail in Chapter 22. Cardioversion-In addition to pharmacologic measures, preparation should be made for rapid cardioversion in patients at high risk for severe ventricular arrhythmias. Patients who have had ventricular fibrillation perioperatively may require immediate cardioversion. Much of the morbidity of severe ventricular arrhythmias can be avoided by immediate cardioversion. The rhythm type and chamber of origin-atrial, junctional, or ventricular-should be established. If the atrial arrhythmia is fast and poorly tolerated (ie, symptomatic), immediate electrical conversion is warranted. To convert atrial fibrillation or flutter, high-energy shock usually is required and always should be synchronized. Overdrive atrial pacing may be performed at the bedside using the atrial epicardial pacing wires. Rapid atrial pacing also can interrupt a reentrant circuit such as atrial fibrillation, thereby restoring sinus rhythm, although less effectively. When performing overdrive pacing, great vigilance must be exercised to ensure that the atrial leads-rather than the ventricular leads-are attached to the generator. Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring Invasive hemodynamic monitoring with arterial lines and flow-directed pulmonary artery catheters typically is performed to assist with management after cardiac surgery. Analysis of these data is invaluable in the diagnosis and management of postoperative arrhythmias. Ventricular fibrillation should be treated immediately with high-energy defibrillation, usually unsynchronized. Both defibrillation and cardioversion can worsen the existing rhythm, so one must be prepared to increase electrical output rapidly and defibrillate again. If the rhythm is bradycardiac or becomes so following electrical or chemical conversion, ventricular pacing should be instituted immediately.
With profound hypothermia arteria adamkiewicz order 50mg atenolol with mastercard, severe oliguria develops as a result of generalized hypoperfusion and also may be related to acute tubular necrosis secondary to rhabdomyolysis blood pressure for 12 year old atenolol 50mg fast delivery. The hematocrit and the viscosity of the blood increase owing to hemoconcentration blood pressure of 100/60 buy atenolol 100 mg on-line, and viscosity 789 is further increased by the fall in temperature blood pressure quizlet purchase atenolol 50 mg without prescription. Coagulation is impaired as a result of platelet dysfunction and decreased enzymatic protein activity. Depressed hepatic function may result in alterations in the pharmacokinetics of many drugs and reduced clearance of toxins. As core body temperature falls below 26°C, spontaneous respirations cease, asystole develops, and electrocerebral silence occurs. Symptoms and Signs-The history of the events prior to presentation is essential for the diagnosis of hypothermia. In cases such as cold water immersion or prolonged exposure to winter temperatures, the diagnosis will be obvious. The diagnosis may be less obvious in a patient with associated injuries or in the elderly patient with multiple medical problems. Suspicion of hypothermia is particularly relevant when the history suggests that an injury or disease has resulted in a prolonged period of immobility with or without the association of a cold environment. In patients with mild hypothermia (3335°C), confusion and disorientation are common. Patients with moderate hypothermia (3033°C) are amnesic, obtunded, and often progress to coma. When the core temperature falls below 32°C, shivering ceases and bradycardia develops. Patients with severe hypothermia (<30°C) present with coma, dilated pupils, and absent tendon reflexes. Temperature Monitoring-Body temperatures should be accurately measured in all patients suspected of being hypothermic. Standard clinical thermometers have a low temperature limit of 3233°C and should not be used. Electronic temperature-sensing systems accurate down to 25°C are desirable, and many of these systems provide for continuous temperature monitoring. If electronic equipment is not available, standard glass laboratory thermometers can be used to monitor temperature. In addition to sublingual, axillary, and rectal sites, specialized electronic systems allow for temperature monitoring in the esophagus, pulmonary artery, bladder, and tympanic membrane. Monitoring temperature at the tympanic membrane may offer some advantage because this area is warmed by cerebral blood flow, but temperature always should be recorded at several sites to ensure accuracy. Central venous pressure or pulmonary artery pressure monitoring may be necessary in patients who do not respond to aggressive volume administration. Inotropic and vasoconstrictive agents such as dopamine should be avoided because they are usually ineffective and may result in cardiac arrhythmias. Once the diagnosis of hypothermia is suspected, all efforts should be directed toward reducing further heat loss and rewarming the patient. In addition to the use of warm intravenous fluids and heated respiratory gases, warm blankets should be applied to prevent radiant heat loss during resuscitation and evaluation. There are three options for rewarming: (1) passive rewarming, (2) active external rewarming, and (3) active internal rewarming. Most patients with mild to moderate hypothermia will be able to rewarm themselves, and passive external measures to prevent further heat loss will be all that are necessary. Active external rewarming, achieved by conductive surface warming with methods such as warm water immersion or heating blankets, is often ineffective in adults because of the low bodysurface-to-body-volume ratio. In addition, the reestablishment of flow in peripheral circulatory beds may lead to increased transport of colder peripheral blood to the central core, resulting in a paradoxical decrease in core temperature. To effect external rewarming, air circulating systems may prove to be more effective because they provide for additional heat exchange by convection. These devices are usually readily available in the operating room or recovery area.